We are four second year undergraduate students from the University of Lincoln; Hannah, studying Psychology, and Chloe, Kim and Kelson, studying International Business Management. During our pre-interview for the Sense of Belonging research project, we were tasked with analysing qualitative data which centred on the reactions to the latest incarnation of Doctor Who within the media.
We had not previously attended a group interview and we didn’t know what to expect. During the actual interview itself we were invited to contribute to a group discussion on gender equality. During this activity we found that we had plenty to say about the topic and the materials used  were a great way of encouraging us to take part.
Why did we apply to work on this LHERI funded project? During the afternoon of our interview we found that that each of us wanted to gain experience as a student researcher and each had ambitions to complete a dissertation in our final year
We are looking forward to taking part in this project and working with Dr Paula O’Brien (Lincoln International Business School) and Dr Patrick Hylton (School of Psychology)