Personal Tutor Interventions

Project Lead

Tracy Millar, Lecturer – Department of Marketing and Tourism

Project Details

I inherited a year 2 tutee group of 20 students. The standard contact session lx semester did not work, as few students attend. This meant I did not know them until they had an issue.

My actions to create a more positive relationship with them:

  • Email

I introduced myself again, reminding them that I am here for advice, help, support to enable them to progress positively, not just when they are in trouble (stating it’s easier for me to help when disaster strikes if I know them).

  • Checking Tutor Dashboard attendance regularly

I emailed anyone below 60/70%, asking them if they were ok, reminding them they need to attend, and checking whether I could help to support them. I also reminded them that if they do not act now there will be interventions from management within the University, so best to act and avoid this.

  • 1-2-1 Action Planning

Each term I emailed my tutees and offered them a meeting to discuss performance. 8 students have attended these 1-2-1 meetings (taking 30mins each per semester). I have seen great engagement and subsequent achievement from these students, along with increased sense of belonging and feeling they are known and cared for.

Impact & Success

  • Email

    • Students began emailing me to ask for help/advice re: placements/assignments, as well as extensions.
    • “Just thought I’d email to say all went well, (you’ve) really listened to me and the problems I’ve had … Thank you for your continued support!”
    • Student considering withdrawing in year2 worked with me on options and engagement, and remained, increasing final grade from 2:2 to 1st.
    • “Thank you so much for caring about me!”
  • Checking Tutor Dashboard Attendance Regularly

    • Positive responses to being chased’.

    • Improved attendance for students who fell below expected standard

    • 4 students requested meeting for my support/help

    • 1 student has interrupted, and thankful for support given to return him to health without affecting final degree (very sick, missed much of semester 1, not aware of options from previous tutor)

    • “I am glad now I interrupted as I’ve noticeably improved and I think it was the best choice. 11

    • An email checking one student discovered mental health issues. Formulated action plan, agreed we would meet for 15mins weekly to ‘check in’ /keep him on track

    • “Thank you!! I can’t say how much I owe you for giving me that kick up the backside I needed. I wouldn’t have got anywhere near a 2.1 without your help and encouragement.”

  • 1-2-1 Action Planning

    • 8 students with termly action plans
    • – Increased engagement from these students -fed back to programme leader how helpful/encouraging this process has been
    • They feel more empowered to achieve, better understanding of their grades/potential degree classification
    • More focus when realise can improve their final grade
    • “Thanks for taking care of me, I feel better recently. It is very clear and I know what to do for this module. Thank you very much.”
    • Students have INCREASED FINAL DEGREE CLASSIFICATIONS by 1-2 grades
    • “Thank you so much for providing me with all the support and encouragement over the past year hugely appreciated and I hope you’re coming graduation so I can thank you personally for everything.”

How the Findings of this project have been Disseminated

Used and fed back to Action Plan provided by in the Personal Tutor support documents – covering: tasks, resources required, specifically what needs to be done and timescale

Shared my experience with other Personal Tutors, as well as management. Potentially this will be used as a case study for further work and development of personal tutoring training and provision to students.

Next Steps

This case study is being used by Project officer for personal tutoring in LALT, and being used in relation to research around the effectiveness of personal tutoring on students at risk of dropping out or underachievement.

Lincoln International Business School

  • Lincoln International Business School
    University of Lincoln, Brayford Wharf East
    Lincoln, LN5 7AT, UK