Student Stories: Amy Wallis

Hello, I’m Amy Wallis, the founder of Market inn Ltd, and I’m a Lincoln International Business School alumna.

Whilst at Lincoln University, I studied Advertising and Marketing and graduated in 2016. During my graduation I won the Lincoln International Business School award for best student in Advertising.

Upon graduating, I went to work for an internet marketing company as a pay-per-click assistant. I was there for 10 months when I left to re-evaluate my career and goals.

When I left the internet marketing company, I took time to re-evaluate my life and think “what do I really want out of it?”. That’s when I thought I can combine both passions of hospitality and marketing. It was after this lightbulb moment that Market inn was formed; a hospitality marketing agency.

Looking back, working as a silver service waitress sparked my interest and excitement for the industry. So, I combined my passions and my qualifications and just went for it, and I’ve never looked back.

Market inn Ltd serves the online and offline marketing needs of hospitality businesses. Whether businesses have enough on their plate or are interested in a fresh serving of ideas. Services include website design, social media, branding and pay-per-click. We understand that no business is the same, so we really get to know the business we are working with and understand what their individual marketing needs are. We provide a very personalised service, which is completely tailored to that particular business we are working with.

When I was studying for my degree I never thought that I would have my own business. Looking back, now that I am a business owner, my degree gave me a solid foundation for advertising and marketing.

Overall, I focussed on buyer behaviour, principles of marketing and advertising. Down the line, with both academic and practical experience, I now carry out talks at the University itself, aiming to inspire students and helping them with general or marketing advice.

The University has formed a huge part of my journey so far and I wouldn’t be sat in this office today without them. I’ve been on the Growing Graduate Enterprise Scheme, where I learnt several skills that can be applied to my role now. I have also been talking to the Careers and Employability department at the University, who have helped me advertise for my new employee.

I am enjoying my journey so far and have very big aims for the future of Market inn Ltd. My aspirations are to grow my team and to continue to expand Market inn. I am putting no restrictions on where I want to be and instead, I am enjoying the process of building the Market inn family. As they say, “shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars”.

Lincoln International Business School

  • Lincoln International Business School
    University of Lincoln, Brayford Wharf East
    Lincoln, LN5 7AT, UK