The WBDL Journey – Andre van Zyl


Name & position

Andre van Zyl (JJA) Country Manager

Programme studied

WBDL BA(Hons) Business management

What was the best thing about your studies?

For me the best thing was when I realised I have so many support from the Tutors, I in fact can successfully complete the studies

We plan the degree to be flexible, did this help you?

Indeed, although I think it should not be too flexible in terms of deadlines, as this cause students to postpone to much

How has/will the programme help you in your career?

It helped me to grow in confidence, as the majority of my learning I could use in my work situation, I could now participate in discussions within the work context.

How did you find the programme delivery?

  • Resources Good
  • Individual tutors Excellent (Tracy Lamping)
  • Learning at distance/using technology Tuff but manageable, the assistance and support structure from Tutors are excellent.

How did you balance home, study and work life?

This was a very tuff exercise, I strictly work on a pre-designed schedule, and always kept meeting my deadlines, discipline and commitment is the key to successfully completing the degree. I made use of the support from the Tutors as much as possible.

Lincoln International Business School

  • Lincoln International Business School
    University of Lincoln, Brayford Wharf East
    Lincoln, LN5 7AT, UK