Re-engineering Higher Education in Nigeria

A research study on higher education in Nigeria by Lincoln International Business School academics has recently been published in a top Nigerian daily newspaper, BluePrint.

Re-engineering Higher Education, originally published in Studies in Higher Education in December 2019, has been covered in BluePrint – a top Nigerian newspaper based in the capital city, Abuja.

The article, written by LIBS academics Paul Igwea, Dieu Hack-polay, John Mendy, Ted Fuller and Deborah Lock highlighted some of the challenges facing Nigeria’s higher education and proposed recommendations.

It is ranked 3/243 globally in the Education & Educational Research, Thomson Reuters, with Impact Factor 2.854.

The study adopts a multi-level framework and analysis of “reengineering approach” following a pioneering work by Davies (1997) which they defined as the fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvement in critical contemporary measures of performance.

They described the process as starting with the proverbial clean sheet of paper to reconceptualise the processes and context. The study highlights some of the challenges facing Nigerian higher education and proposes recommendations.

The article can be read online at Nigeria’s online news website, Daily Trust, here.

Paul Igwe Profile
Paul Igwe

Lincoln International Business School

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