Supporting International Direct Entry Students (AFE)

By: Dr Nadia Gulko

Senior Lecturer / School Director of Teaching and Learning (AFE)


Every year, I have a substantial number of international direct entry students in the modules I teach.

Within Lincoln International Business School, University of Lincoln (LIBS, UoL), we have many students from various countries, different cultural and social backgrounds. Recruiting International students directly to year three of a UK degree programme presents many challenges which require adopting new approaches to better understand students’ needs (Warren et al., 2019).

The academic year 19/20 was the second year I was running this project for supporting international direct entry to Year 3 students on BA (Hons) Accountancy and Finance programme at LIBS. This project focuses on creating an effective peer learning environment to address “isolation and adaptability issues among international students” (Idris et al., 2019). This project contributes not only to the department, but to the wider LIBS, UoL initiative to help direct entrants with their transition and adjustment to the new environment. In recognition of this ongoing project, I was awarded a Best Practice Award 2019 for “Increasing Student Engagement”.

A series of peer-led workshops in 19/20 were partly focused on social networking between Chinese direct entrants and British students. It was a platform for open, engaging, and productive discussions aiming to identify challenges and find solutions to how we can improve the student learning experience. In addition to the social aspect, these workshops provided a great opportunity to discuss an academic work in a peer-supportive environment, aiming for the students to reflect on their improvements and achievements. These were successful events for all parties involved. The students from different cultural backgrounds worked together sharing their ways of working on a problem. I am grateful for the incredible support from Phil, Tom, Alex, Laura, Miroslava, Emma and Gemma, our student volunteers, who made an amazing contribution into running these workshops. Special thanks to Niko for helping with translation and communication with our Chinese students!

direct entry students

Some feedback from international students and student volunteers from 19/20 is provided below:

“Thank you so much for supporting us. We felt the warmth brought by you and student volunteers. The workshop was really helpful.” – International student, 2019-20

 “I was honoured to be a part of one of Nadia’s projects designed to help Chinese direct entry students feel more at home in England. Through open and relaxed discussion between Chinese and English students, it became easier to comprehend the difficulties around living and studying abroad and offer advice and continual friendship. Thanks to Nadia, the natural barriers of language and culture were massively broken down!” – Student volunteer, 2019-20

More information about this project can be found here.

Organised by Dr Nadia Gulko

Senior Lecturer / School Director of Teaching and Learning (AFE)

Idris, A., Ion, G. and Seery, A. (2019) Peer learning in international higher education: the experience of international students in an Irish university. Irish Educational Studies, 38(1) 1-24.
Warren, L., Reilly, D., Sun, W. and Vellam, I. (2019) Improving the attainment gap of Direct Entry Chinese students lessons learnt and recommendations. Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching, 12(1). Available from DOI: [accessed 31.10.2019]