DMM Celebrates 100th Learner Enrolment

Lincoln International Business School celebrates their 100th student enrolling onto the DMM programme.

In October 2017, Lincoln International Business School launched its first leadership development course: Developing a Managerial Mindset (DMM).

Nearing its fourth birthday and nine cohorts later, the DMM team are celebrating enrolling their 100th learner onto the programme.

The DMM, which was originally designed in collaboration with three employers, Barbon Insurance/Homelet, Freshtime UK and Branston Potatoes, was developed as an employer-led programme aimed directly at meeting their management training needs.

Today, the practical programme of six workshops enables learners – from recent graduates and first line managers, to middle managers – the opportunity to develop a range of management skills and the chance to try new ideas and ways of working.

Heather Claridge, Chief Financial Officer at Woldmarsh Producers Ltd, whose staff member completed the course, said:

“Our employee has definitely ‘grown’ throughout this process. She is stronger….and ready to take on a leadership role.”

Throughout the course, learning is led by an expert tutor, as well as sharing experiences with other delegates from a range of companies over a period of six months.

A key component of the course includes allowing learners a chance to gather insights into how other organisations lead and manage their people, giving the opportunity to develop ideas that can be taken back to their own organisation.

Sue Mart, Managing Director at Bennington Carriages, said of her experience as a student on the programme:

“Delighted to say small steps and change is underway regarding my leadership skills, so thank you. The course is going to give me so many new skills and is challenging me!”

Ruchi Aggarwal
Ruchi Aggarwal

Ruchi Aggarwal, Director of Business Development at Lincoln International Business School, added:

“Co-creating an executive development programme for developing a Managerial Mindset in Lincolnshire was the perfect way to listen to our industry’s needs.

“The DMM programme, over the nine cohorts delivered, has attracted a wide range of learners. From the newly recruited high potential graduate, to new managers with over 10 years of experience and even a few senior managers of SMEs in our region.

“The mix of practical workshops and industry insights are highly valued by our learners, but most of all they tell us that the peer to peer discussions and networks they benefit from are invaluable.

“We welcome our 100th learner onto the programme and are very proud to be contributing to the skills agenda for our region.”

The Developing a Managerial Mindset has enrolment twice a year. To find out more visit the course page, here






Lincoln International Business School

  • Lincoln International Business School
    University of Lincoln, Brayford Wharf East
    Lincoln, LN5 7AT, UK