BA (Hons) Sports Business Management graduate, Jessica, tells us all about her experience studying at Lincoln International Business School, and why she chose Lincoln.
Why did you choose your undergraduate course and why Lincoln in particular?
Sports has always been a passion of mine and knowing I could combine that with a subject I enjoyed, felt like the perfect undergraduate course for me. Lincoln felt like a home away from home, even from my first visit to the city. The staff were so friendly and helpful at open days, and most importantly the students were willing to share their personal experiences which gave me a glimpse of what my experience could look like if I came to the University of Lincoln.
What did you enjoy most about your chosen course?
I enjoyed the personal feel that the lecturers and university staff created throughout the time I spent on my course. They acted upon the open-door policy and really made us feel welcome. I also enjoyed and was grateful for the opportunities they gave us to meet professionals inside the industry. This has given me the best experience and really helped when going to interviews after university to showcase my knowledge.
Describe the course in five words…
Personal, Creative, Supportive, Fun, Thought-provoking
What were the positive aspects of your course on you and your chosen career?
It enabled me to develop confidence in myself and in the work that I was creating. It also allowed me to venture into directions within sports business that I had never considered as a career. Although my current chosen career isn’t sport related now, there are so many skills that have transferred from my course into my role now. Covid-19 put a stop to any plans I had related to sport, so there are still directions that I’d like to go in the future that may allow me to work within sport again.
Have you secured graduate employment? Tell us about your role, your employer and your responsibilities.
Role- Research Executive
Employer- Good Sense Research
Responsibilities- Managing market research projects in the food and drink industry. Responsibilities ranging from conducting and managing fieldwork days for clients, quantitative data analysis and reporting back results to clients, managing the Good Sense Community social media accounts to increase members and build the brand.
Were you part of any societies and / or sports teams?
I joined the Women’s Basketball team in my first year. I became the treasurer for them in my second year and in my final year I was the captain and coach for the team.
What advice would you give to someone else looking at your course?
Be open minded about the opportunities this course can create for you. I went into the course liking sport and business and finished it learning so much more than I was expecting to and with passions and interests for areas in sports business which I had never thought about before as possible career paths.
What tips would you give to others choosing an undergraduate degree?
Make sure you enjoy whatever subject you choose. During the winter months when you have lots of deadlines to make, it’s the love for the subject that pulls you through and makes it all worthwhile.
Do you have any further comments about the course, your School or the University?
I felt Lincoln was such a supportive and modern university in general and felt like it has given me ample opportunities to develop further in my studies. Whether it be joining societies or going on visits with your school/course, there are always opportunities for you to take.
To find out more about undergraduate study at Lincoln International Business School at University of Lincoln, visit our courses page here.