LIBS Senior Academic Joins Editorial Board of the Journal of Travel Research

LIBS Senior Academic Joins Editorial Board of the Journal of Travel Research

Warm congratulations to Dr Shrabani Saha, Associate Professor of Development Economics within the Lincoln International Business School who has been invited to join the Editorial Board of the Journal of Travel Research.

This journal is considered to be the most prestigious in the subject of Tourism. Siobhan Goggin, Head of Department for Accountancy, Finance and Economics commented

“I am delighted for Shrabani who will be joining other researchers of high repute on the editorial board of this 4* journal” (Impact Factor: 10.982)

Farhan Ahmed, Head of Marketing, Languages and Tourism added,

“this is an exceptional journal and to have one of our senior LIBS colleagues on the Board is a significant achievement. Many congratulations Shrabani, this achievement is richly deserved”

Shrabani commented,

“It was not an easy task to be selected by the Editor in Chief and his team of an ABS 4* journal. I was, therefore, delighted by the wording of the invitation – “…please view this invitation as a reflection of our respect for your research and our wish that we can work together in the future and the knowledge that my research has been recognised internationally by such a highly reputed International Journal. It is with pride that my name and institutional affiliation will appear on the journal website, subsequently having great impact on the University of Lincoln research profile and increasing the positive reputation of LIBS.”


Dr Shrabani Saha

Lincoln International Business School

  • Lincoln International Business School
    University of Lincoln, Brayford Wharf East
    Lincoln, LN5 7AT, UK