Leading the transition to Net Zero at RAF Waddington

The University hosted sixteen members of the Senior Leadership Team from RAF Waddington on 22nd February for an Executive Development Workshop focused on Net Zero. The workshop was developed and delivered by LIBS Academics Andy Brookes (Senior Lecturer), Chaz McKnight (Lecturer) and Gary Ramsden (Associate Professor) and Rebecca Mills (Head of Sustainability, Estates).

The 1-day workshop was designed to enable attendees to:

  • Understand and feel confident in communicating Net Zero and to develop a sustainable vision for RAF Waddington.
  • Understand sustainability as a form of change management within an organisation.
  • Consider how leaders at RAF Waddington can facilitate and lead others in the journey toNet Zero.
  • Feel inspired as individuals and be collectively empowered to take action to work towards Net Zero.

The team from RAF Waddington were hosted in the LIBS Executive Development Suite, David Chiddick Building and enjoyed sustainable and plant-based catering throughout the day.

Following the session, Group Captain Mark Lorriman-Hughes, Station Commander at RAF Waddington said

“My team came away very enthused and that is very much down to your guidance and stimulation of thought.  Thank you all for your time and energy yesterday and I very much look forward to working with you again in the future.”

Rebecca Mills, Head of Sustainability at the University of Lincoln, said

“The University has made a commitment to support others in the transition to Net Zero, as part of our Civic Responsibility and Sustainability Strategy. We’re developing a clear offer to support local, national and international organisations and businesses to meet their Net Zero and Biodiversity goals and to adapt to climate risks.”


Related Content: Sustainable Organisations with By Dr Andy Brookes and Professor Matthijs Bal

Lincoln International Business School

  • Lincoln International Business School
    University of Lincoln, Brayford Wharf East
    Lincoln, LN5 7AT, UK