Lifelong Learning Advocate – Business School Visiting Professor Achieves PhD Aged 92

Lincoln International Business School is delighted to announce that Visiting Professor Jeffrey Ridley successfully defended his PhD thesis by Publication on Friday 7th July 2023, and has been awarded a degree of PhD in Accounting at the University of Lincoln without corrections.

Thesis entitled “From Good Governance to Sustainability (ESG) Reporting. 30 Years of my published Leading Thoughts for Professional Internal Auditing”, supervised by Dr Nadia Gulko, Associate Professor of Accounting and Professor Simon Lilley, Professor of Organisational Studies and Management, Director of Research and Interim Head of Lincoln International Business School.

This outstanding thesis reflects on and brings up to date theory and knowledge underpinning a selection of Prof Ridley’s publications this century, in particular the philosophy and quality needed in auditing; the professionalism of today’s modern internal auditing; responsibilities for good corporate governance; assurances needed for all of today’s sustainability (ESG) reporting; and to reflect on the future for professional internal auditing.

Many thanks to everyone who made this achievement possible and supported Prof Ridley in LIBS and beyond. Special thanks to the examination team including Prof Khaled Hussainey, Prof Robert Melville, Dr. Mahfuzur Rahman and the Viva Chair Christopher Marlow for their highest professionalism.

Dr. Nadia Gulko commented:

I have known Prof Ridley since 2015, learning about his professional career, and then recording my interview with him in 2018 Prof Ridley has been an outstanding champion of internal auditing and good governance in the UK and globally, always happy to give guest lectures and share his knowledge with students. For me, it was an absolute privilege to supervise such a unique PhD work. I had a pleasure of observing what was a unique Viva presentation and discussions. This is a fantastic achievement for Prof Ridley and the supervisory team”.

Prof Lilley added,

‘It’s been an absolute delight to work with Jeffrey as he reflects upon his enormous, seminal contribution to the discipline of internal auditing. The award of PhD is apposite recognition of that contribution. Congratulations Dr Ridley!’

Head of Department Siobhan Goggin agreed,

“I am delighted for Jeffrey on achieving his PhD.  Having worked with him over a number of years and recognising how hard he works to promote the case for good governance and sustainability this achievement is richly deserved.  Jeffrey is a remarkable man and an inspiration to everyone with whom he comes into contact. At 92 years old, he truly espouses the principle of life-long learning.  His presentation was deemed to be exceptional by those on the panel and this truly reflects the man I know to be Jeffrey Ridley.  Well done to all involved, I am very proud to have him as a Visiting Professor of Governance Assurance in the Accountancy, Finance and Economics Department”


Jeffrey Ridley and LIBS staff

Lincoln International Business School

  • Lincoln International Business School
    University of Lincoln, Brayford Wharf East
    Lincoln, LN5 7AT, UK