Student Stories: Alex Bentley

Alex Bentley

After attending PG Open Days last year and meeting with the Programme Leader for MSc Management at the end of my third year, I was really excited to start my course in September!

I chose to do my Masters at Lincoln because the modules on the course were exactly what I was looking for; a well-rounded selection that I could really learn from. I also already knew the standard of teaching that I would be receiving (gold standard TEF level) so it was a no brainer.

In the first week we had an introduction to each one of our modules, which was extremely helpful as we were told how the modules will be assessed differently to what we were used to, for example, we have role play scenarios, negotiation simulations, mini tests and reflections as well as ordinary essays, exams and group presentations (and a trip to the Lincoln Escape Room!). Since then, we have been put into groups to work on assignments and seminar preparations which I have particularly enjoyed as it’s a chance for cross-cultural collaboration and meeting students I wouldn’t normally have had the chance to meet. In addition to this, whilst the step up from UG to PG has been quite noticeable with regards to the amount and standard of work we need to produce, I have found this my favourite part of the course so far as I feel like I’m really being pushed intellectually as we need to have a new and challenging way of thinking.

All the staff in the business school are so helpful and supportive in helping us settle into postgraduate life and the SU organised a Postgraduate Welcome Week as a chance to meet other students and academic staff across the University e.g. PG Tea Party with the Deputy Vice Chancellor, PhD in the Pub, PG Pub Quiz and the PG fresher’s fayre. As the course representative, I have already met with our very engaged programme leader to give feedback and arrange a course social so that we can get to know each other a bit more and network with our peers in a less formal setting.

Lastly, the Students Union offers so many sports and societies that there is never a dull day on campus. After re-starting and becoming the President of the Business Society last year, I became a member this year to get involved with any academic opportunities but to also meet like-minded people at a wide variety of socials. With the society now being one of the biggest societies on campus, I can confidently grow my network and get to know a wider range of people and to top it off, attend the annual Business Ball at the end of the year!

See part 2 of Alex’s blog here

Lincoln International Business School

  • Lincoln International Business School
    University of Lincoln, Brayford Wharf East
    Lincoln, LN5 7AT, UK