NEW Resilient Lincolnshire Leadership Masterclasses

Resilient Lincolnshire Leadership Masterclasses | Fully Funded

Following on from Lincoln International Business Schools’ successful Resilient Lincolnshire webinar series throughout 2020, the conversation now extends to putting ‘leadership into practice’ with important themes that Lincolnshire leaders told us that matter most.

Supported and funded by the Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership, we invite you to attend one or more of our leadership masterclasses led by our key academics. The aim is to provide a platform for discussion and practical takeaways to support your personal and organisational challenges and to build a network of support for your business.

We aim to arm leaders with a perspective and fresh insight on the volatile, uncertain, and complex environment. We’ve continued to develop the themes of resilience, responsible, emotional and technological leadership, to bring you these four hand-picked masterclasses, this March 2021.


Masterclass 1:

Resilient Leadership (Thursday 4th March | 1pm to 4pm)

The world which was unforeseen just 12 months ago has thrown up unprecedented challenges for leaders and businesses. This masterclass aims to put ‘resilience’ into context, looking at individual and organisational resilience as a capability that can be developed. It explores how organisational resilience differs from crisis/risk management and how you can re-organise yourself and your business to be resilient.


Masterclass 2:

Emotional Leadership (Thursday 11th March | 1pm to 4pm)

A key ingredient in leadership capability is the ability to connect and understand how to engage people for the benefit of your organisation, which often underpins business success. This masterclass will explore the emotional intelligence, values-based leadership and self-leadership construct, with an opportunity to analyse yourself. It will also explore how ‘emotional’ impacts on organisational performance and looks at a range of tools to develop ourselves as leaders.


Masterclass 3:

Responsible Leadership (Thursday 18th March | 1pm to 4pm)

Responsible management is an important driver for business and leadership success and now, increasingly so. This masterclass aims to look at why companies have failed with Corporate Social Responsibility and the challenges that have inhibited progression. It will look at how we can implement ‘Responsibility’ in a meaningful way within our own organisation.


Masterclass 4:

Innovative Leadership via Technology (Thursday 25th March | 1pm to 4pm)

The fourth industrial revolution and disruptive innovations are fundamentally transforming our businesses, economy, and society. The challenges of society and sustainability are questioning the fundamentals of service, product, and processes. This masterclass will examine the challenges business face and explore how value chains are being transformed. It provides an opportunity for businesses to reflect on their current position and explore new futures through the prism of technology.


We are delighted that our leadership masterclasses this March are fully funded by the Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership. The masterclasses are open for those with significant managerial experience and leadership responsibility.

You may sign up for one or more of the masterclasses.

You can also watch the full Resilient Lincolnshire Global webinars, here.

Lincoln International Business School

  • Lincoln International Business School
    University of Lincoln, Brayford Wharf East
    Lincoln, LN5 7AT, UK