Executive Education

How Apprenticeships Grow Your Business: Leadership, Project Management & Supply Chain in a Changing World

We spoke with Amy Mumby, Director of Online and Flexible Learning about the exciting new apprenticeship opportunities at the Lincoln International Business School (LIBS)… LIBS: Welcome, Amy Mumby,...

Amy Mumby

Leading the transition to Net Zero at RAF Waddington

The University hosted sixteen members of the Senior Leadership Team from RAF Waddington on 22nd February for an Executive Development Workshop focused on Net Zero. The workshop was...

Members of the Senior Leadership Team from RAF Waddington at Lincoln International Business School

Alumni Focus: Martin Hickerton, Chief Executive Officer at Lincoln City Foundation

MBA alumnus and Chief Executive Officer at Lincoln City Foundation, Martin Hickerton tells us all about his positive experience studying at Lincoln International Business School.  I have just...

DMM Celebrates 100th Learner Enrolment

Lincoln International Business School celebrates their 100th student enrolling onto the DMM programme. In October 2017, Lincoln International Business School launched its first leadership development course: Developing a...

Effective Management Starts Here DMM

Reasons to Join the Greater Lincolnshire Mentoring Programme

What is the Greater Lincolnshire Mentoring Programme? The Greater Lincolnshire Mentoring Programme is run by the University of Lincoln and the Business Lincolnshire Sustainable Growth Programme to give...

David Chiddick Building From Bridge

Lincoln International Business School

  • Lincoln International Business School
    University of Lincoln, Brayford Wharf East
    Lincoln, LN5 7AT, UK