Business School Academic Presents at the European Accounting Association Annual Congress

Business School Academic Presents at the European Accounting Association Annual Congress

Dr Nadia Gulko, Associate Professor in the department of Accountancy, Finance and Economics within Lincoln International Business School (LIBS) delivered a presentation at the 2023 European Accounting Association Annual Congress (EAA) in Finland on the 25th May.

Nadia’s research paper on Teaching Excellence Awards in Higher Education is part of a larger research project on Teaching Excellence led by Nadia and sponsored by AICPA& CIMA in collaboration with colleagues from eleven countries across five continents.  This year alone, Nadia has already had five conference acceptances of different papers generated from this project (BAFA UK, EAA Finland, CAAA Canada, SAAA South Africa, AAA USA).

Nadia commented:  “It was a privilege to co-present this paper with the eminent Prof Natalie Churyk, USA and meet in person my other renowned co-authors Prof Nick McGuigan, Australia and Prof Patricia Everaert, Belgium. It was a great pleasure and honour to represent LIBS and the University of Lincoln at such an important EAA event. Many thanks to everyone who made this possible.’’

For further information on the project, please click here :- TE AICPA project